Coastal Cajun Colloquial

A collection of coastal cajun colloquialisms that I have personally gathered from south Louisiana. I make no guarantees regarding the accuracy or universality of the definitions (these are often quite subjective) and certainly none regarding the spelling of the words. This is a (still) living, oral language after all.

Cau/cho - An expression of appreciation.

Jan-ay - When you embarrassed by public displays of affection, nudity, TMI.

Côte - a group of houses or farms.

Boucon - thick smoke, especially tobacco, marijuana, cane smoke, etc.

Gronyons - A growling stomach because that’s the sound it makes. Its not actually French.

Fedan - Bickering.

Floaton - A floating island of vegetation

Biganeuax - Big swamp snail.

Booday - Pout.

Couyon - fool, idiot.

Pas tou la - Not all there.

Na chan - Here! Take it. I’m done!


Cha maw day - Begging all the time.

Mais presay - Criticizing/talking bad about somebody.

Pecon - Splinter.

Rack-a-cha - Burr.

Fouche - Fork, forked push pole .

Bouche - Float/buoy.

“Are they still together? Mais, is the tide going out? I don’t know, you gotta go look!”

Gep - Wasp.

Boodon - Carpenter bee/bumble bee

Beedan - A fat belly.

Doyo - Idiot.

Delicat - A picky eater, disparaging.

Bianfou - Really crazy.

Foo yee sah - Stick it to them .

Mal de tet - Headache.

Pas bon - No good.

Trainasse - A pirogue portage, pass, or little path.

Hefrons - People of particularly low social and economic status, with implications of inbreeding.

Pouf bete - Poor thing, aka bless your heart.

Yan yan - To whine or complain (as that’s the sounds you make when you do it).

Quanser - To ham fist force or rig into the quan, or corner.

Pancer - To pinch (pancer de fes to pinch the butt).

Chur - A person who is considered an ass ( the harder the R sound the bigger the ass being talked about).

Tet dur - Hard head.

Brulot - Gnat

Fromee - Ant.

Frissons - Goosebumps .

Malguan - Mosquito.

Boo poo dee - Stinky marsh mud.

Poo dee - To rot or spoil, especially in a fragrant way.

Radot - Racket, aggrevation.

Devastayed - Devastated, burnt, blasted: them, they all messed up over there, they devastayed.

Goudmond - Somebody likes to eat a lot. In both respects.

Gonflay/gonf - Unpleasantly over full .

Grudt - Grime/buildup.

Padess - A general state of laziness.

Palon - Block and tackle.

Onguy - Eve or overhang.

Grafayay - Scratch or damage.

Blaysayed - Drunk.

Tchoqayed - Drunk.

Saucéed - Drunk.

Soûléed - Drunk.

Rôdailler (roaday) - Drift, roam.

Degraday - To abandon as in “we’ll go degraday dat cat at the boat launch.”

Bossienne, bosanne - A little bag with your kit.

Confidant - The will to do something.

Maliss - Practical joking.

Making the fou - Joking, causing trouble.

Rocreaux - An indention or rut, especially in a bank.

Lache pas la patate - Don’t drop the potato, i.e. hang in there, don’t give up.

Moisee - Nasty mold.

Peeshuank - Tiny.

Degries or greemon - random things, little pieces fried on the bottom of the pan.

Gratee - To fry up.

Graveetayed - Heavy with weight, either philosophically or physically.

Bebete - A monster.

Bahbeuax - A bum, a good for nothing.

Madreille - A big slab of wood.

Misspilusse - Japanese plum tree.

Voluers - People who ride around looking for stuff to steal after a hurricane.

Ramassis - Pile of debris and marsh grass deposited on the leveee by floods or waves, especially due to a hurricane.

Pas tu yonage - I shit you not.

Chaleur - An attractive person.

Tremblage - A shiver, tremble, even a feeling.

Chadron - Thistle.

Mailloche - Unsuccessful biscuit

Macro(eaux) - Older pervy man who flirts with younger girls, but is only kind of skeevy, not totally creepy.

Potan - An interpersonal conflict.

Shawz - An unspecified thing or action, as in “go grab the shawz dere," “shawz the shawz dere”

Gradou - The burned bits in the bottom of the pan.

Cüt büt - A little flip or tumble.

Meesza - (making) trouble.
